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Family Wellness — Checking Your Children's Posture for Signs of Imbalance

Written By Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center on December 13, 2022

chiropractor adjusting a child

Regularly checking your child’s posture can give you early detection of childhood spinal conditions like scoliosis. Even young children can show signs and symptoms of posture imbalance that might indicate they are in pain or under stress. If you notice any of the following signs of imbalance, Dr. LaTanya Bowman at Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Charlotte can provide diagnosis and pediatric chiropractic care. 

The Right Posture for Children 

The proper posture for a child when standing is equal weight distribution across both feet when they are placed hip-width apart. The spine should be neutral and relaxed with a natural curvature. The child should stand with their neck straight and head level. The hips should appear straight and level, and the shoulders straight and not hunched forward. 

Using the Standing Wall Test to Check Posture and Alignment

You can regularly check your child’s posture by having your child stand facing away from you, about an inch or two from a blank wall. Check your child’s shoulders to make sure they are level and not sloping downwards. Check his head to confirm it is aligned straight over the shoulders and the neck isn’t tilted to one side. Check his hips to confirm they are level, and his feet to confirm they are planted flat on the ground with his knees straight. Then have him turn to the side and imagine a line drawn from the middle of his ear, through his neck, shoulder, arm, leg, and foot down to the floor. The line should be straight—if it isn’t, ask your child to stand up straight, using your hands to correct their posture. If your child isn’t able to stand any straighter, he may need to visit Dr. Bowman for evaluation.

How Pediatric Chiropractic Care Can Help

Dr. Bowman can offer the same level of chiropractic care and attention to your child as she does to adult patients. Even children can have muscle aches and pains from carrying heavy backpacks to school or playing sports. Children can also develop childhood spinal conditions that are first evident in changes to their posture. Dr. Bowman can evaluate and diagnose conditions, and provide safe, effective chiropractic care that lessens symptoms and improves posture. Pediatric chiropractic care might include gentle chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic stretching, and posture modification.

Visit Our Chiropractor for Kids in Charlotte

If you’re concerned about your child’s posture or if he has risk factors for a spinal condition, Dr. Bowman here at Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center can help. Our team will evaluate your child’s posture and spinal alignment and determine if there is cause for concern.

Call us today at (704) 946-2054 or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Pediatric Chiropractic